How Curator Works
This guide is designed to present the basic functions and roles within the Curator platform, and to explain the ways you can use it to enhance collaborative research.
Curator provides an opportunity for clinical investigators, biobanks, laboratories, registries, and other institutions to showcase the scope of data or patient reach that could be used or engaged respectively in research, without compromising the privacy of patients and breaching data protection regulations.

So how does it work?
1. Data publishers upload their anonymized metadata into Longenesis Curator, leaving actual datasets within the institution. Onboarding is rapid, with no data ingestion or background capturing happening.
2. Curator orchestrates the uploaded metadata files of any depth of information and transforms them into visual and queryable elements.
3. Collaboration partners can query the data sets for specific biomedical data by different combinations of descriptive characteristics without personal data from multiple sites all over the world being revealed.
4. Study sponsors can send direct collaboration requests to biomedical institutions with a single click of the mouse. New international collaborations or retrospective and prospective research projects can begin and support the activities that explore the disease insights, new treatment strategies, etc.
Data publishers can decide whether to pursue or decline the received collaboration requests.
What are the benefits?
The Privacy-by-design approach of Curator allows multiple institutions to showcase the scope of available data while upholding legal and ethical regulations internationally.
Data publishers such as biobanks, hospitals, patient organizations, and other institutions can create valuable connections, engage in collaborative research and patient-centric activities.
Curator also allows collaborators such as pharmaceutical, medical technology companies, CROs to meet their study recruitment goals, engage patients and institutions in projects aimed at the development and improvement of diagnostic and treatment methods across multiple disease domains, and promotes a data-driven approach in the industry.
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