1. Dataset type - Select as many items from the dropdown menu as applicable (e.g., Imaging Data, Demographics, ICD codes, Medical History, Laboratory tests, etc.).
2. Region - Add information about the region from which the data or the cohort originates to help collaborators tailor their proposal based on this information. Select as many items from the dropdown menu as applicable.
3. Anatomical Therapeutic chemical - Indicate whether the metadata contains information about a certain treatment, e.g., Cardiovascular, Hormonal diseases, Antiparasitic, and others, adding this information is necessary to find suitable collaborative research opportunities. Select as many items from the dropdown menu as applicable
4. Disease class (optional) - Use an ICD-10 classification code and assign to your metadata or patient cohort a specific disease group (e.g., Respiratory, Digestive, Nervous system, Infectious, Parasitic, and others). Assigning internationally used code will help collaborators to discover your dataset quicker. Select as many items from the dropdown menu as applicable