Step 1: General Information
Start describing your dataset by providing general information about the data samples.
Step 1: General Information
This part is necessary to create the description of the metadata or patient cohort that will be available to the potential collaborators prior to opening the dataset or querying the data. There are three fields to be filled:
1. Dataset Title - it needs to contain sufficient information about the type of the data or patients represented (e.g., disease group, region, name of the institution, and other relevant information).
2. Short description summary - the information that will be seen by the potential collaborators while browsing the available datasets. The summary is limited to 200 symbols.
3. Description - a more detailed description of the dataset contents that will be visible to the collaborators after opening the dataset. It can contain more detailed information about the dataset or cohort contents, data structure, parameters, disease, and the time and method of obtaining the data.

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